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AI Driver Overhaul Mod



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Overhauls the Ai Drivers into 3 different modes based on Jack Benton, Ray Carter and Frank Malcov profiles

Ai overhaul mod that changes the driver behavior in races and also derby matches. The overhaul consists of Jack Benton Ai, Ray Carter Ai and
Frank Malcov Ai driving behavior for all the drivers.

For balancing purposes the Ai drivers will use the player car variants to keep competition fair and square.

Place the mod in the directory of the game:

Then open the filesystem file and add a line corresponding to the ai profile. For example Jack Ai.bfs for the Ai drivers to drive like Jack Bento  and save the file

Remove the mod from the directory of the game and set the filesystem back to default by removing the line "Jack Ai.bfs" from the from the filesystem.

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