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FOV3 - Community Mod



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This mod was originaly released at Flatout Joint on April 27th 2006.

We the Flatout Joint Community are very happy to announce the release of the long awaited FOV3 mod for Flatout 1. (see download link at the bottom of this post)

The FOV3 Mod is a major enhancement to the FlatOut game, here is a summary of its many features:

FOV3 Features

144 Tracks
Multiplayer Anti Cheat
Paint Shop - 7 Skins per car
Car Cameras
Ragdoll Cameras
Big Air
AI Driver Options
No Intro Movie
Custom Music Made Easy
Change Transmission
Change Handling
Change Driver

FOV3 also includes all the mods that you all know from FOV2.

144 Tracks - FOV3 has increased the number of tracks in Flatout to an incredible 144 tracks. This includes the original Flatout tracks, FOV2 reversed direction tracks, FOV3 resurfaced tracks, plus community made custom tracks.

Multiplayer Anti Cheat - FOV3 provides a new anti cheat system for online racing. The host can set his race to allow custom cars. If custom cars is turned off you will only be able to select from the original 16 Flatout cars and the game will default back to a new set of original equipment files. Even if players have customs added to the game. This features only affects the equipment files, not actual models. Example: if a player has replaced car #3 Pepper with a custom car and enters a race with custom cars turned off. That player will see there custom car/tires, but it will be using the original equipment files that came with Car 3 Pepper. Also to help keep this anti cheat system secure for as long as possible, the fov3overrite.bfs has been locked. BFSunpack can't not unpack it!

Paint Shop - Muratus has opened a new place in the game of Flatout "Muratus's Paint Shop". You can now have up to 7 skins per car, and change them any time you like, even after you've purchased your car. You can even change your cars looks after every racing in single player career mode. All 7 skins are also selectable from the car dealer menu.

Car Camera's - Shadow the camera guru has come up with 6 new cameras per car! Each cars camera's have been tested and optimized for that exact car. Also if you want to stick with only using the original Flatout's 3 car cameras you can turn on/off the cars custom cameras in the FOV3 options menu.

Ragdoll Camera - Deadmans camera was introduced in FOV2.0.1. Giving you more of a view once you've been ejected out of the car. Now with FOV3 you have the ability to turn on/off the deadman's view in the FOV3 options menu.

Big Air - With this feature you can go flying around the tracks of Flatout. It resets the air time limit so when you take them huge jumps you don't get reset back to the surface if you get to much air time. This feature can also be turned on/off in the FOV3 options menu.

AI Driver Options - Now with FOV3 you can set the way you want the AI drivers to drive. You can change their Speed from Normal to Fast, and you can change their driving style from Clean (original) to Dirty. So if your ready for a challenge set them to Fast/Dirty and get ready for some crazy rough racing. These can also be set from the FOV3 options menu.

No Intro Movie Mod - This mod was thrown in for all you that hate waiting for those movies to end. When starting the game you'll see a second of black screen then jump straight to the Flatout Copyright screen.

Custom Music Made Easy - FOV3 also brings you a much easier way to add custom music to Flatout. Just like FOV2's cars.ini, FOV3 now gives you a fov3-playlist.ini. Instead of having to write and pack up a new playlist you can simply list your music's information in the fov3-playlist.ini and pack your song in to a bfs (which doesn't even need to be in FO's normal folder structure) Just list the correct path to your songs bfs file, in the FOV3-playlist.ini. You can also turn on/off the custom music feature in the FOV3 options menu.

Change Transmission - Gives the ability to switch between Automatic and Manuel Transmissions. This Menu is located in the Career Garage Menu.

Change Handling - Gives the ability to change the handling type between Normal and Professional. This Menu is located in the Career Garage / Career Options menu.

Change Driver - Gives the ability to change the current driver to Male or Female. This Menu is located in the Career Garage / Career Options menu.

Cheats - A new menu added to the Career Garage Menu. GiveAll unlocks all tracks & cars and GiveCash gives you 1,000,000. This Menu is located in the Career Garage / Career Options menu.

FOV3 also includes the new FlatOutNetPro online Multiplayer lobby.

Please read the Complete Readme.txt for credits and bug report.







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